Services we offer
Respite Care and Palliative Care
We have accommodation in Crewe at present.
We are in a modern bungalow. The building is wheelchair friendly with access to a secure garden area.
- Fully accessible main bathroom
- Dining room and fully equipped kitchen
- Comfortable lounge with TV, game area for activities e.g. puzzles, dominos, playing cards. This area is safe and friendly and stimulating environments where individuals will feel comfortable and at ease
- The client will experience home from home environment with the full support of our qualified staff
- All our staff have mandatory training including fire safety
Healthy nutritious food
- We believe that maintaining a healthy, varied balanced diet is important in your overall well-being and physical health. We offer a variety of menus and have meals that cover a wide range of dietary intakes which also promote cultural needs. The diet includes gluten-free, diabetic and Halal choices
- Autonomy and independence is promoted whereby the clients have full access to our fully equipped kitchen under staff supervision. The clients will be able to make their own refreshments and snacks. Regular meals will be served
- Refreshments e.g. are available throughout the day
- Clients will be receiving the level of support appropriate to individual needs
- On referral, we will complete a pre-admission assessment in order to assess your needs. We will work with you and your family in creating an individualised care plan and risk assessment, whilst maintaining your dignity, independence, respect and your safety
- Care plans, reviews and updates are ongoing to match your current needs
- We welcome and value your feedback during and after your stay
- We work closely with local healthcare professionals e.g. O.T. physio and local pharmacies which enable us to request repeat medications and make short notice/emergency appointments should these needs arise during your stay
- We work alongside a multi-disciplinary Team to ensure that we meet your needs
- All staff employed are highly trained to ensure that high quality of care is rendered
- Our trained staff encourages our clients to maintain their favourite hobbies or learn new skills to maintain a fulfilling life
- If a client does not wish to join in any of the activities, there is a quiet area available to utilise to chat with friends, staff, relatives or simply relax
- Activities are designed to meet the needs of the client which have been highlighted in their care plan reflecting a person-centred approach to care
Fully accessible minibus and driver enables the client to access both local and the wider community areas.
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